Ben Jones

PhD Student
GRAIL research group
Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering

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I am a final year PhD student at the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science & Engineering at the University of Washington, advised by Adriana Schulz. My research bridges geometry, machine learning, and computational fabrication. I am interested in how to represent and explore complex design spaces. Lately I've been working on neural representations for CAD geometry, and AI exploration of CAD design spaces. I am currently looking for post-doc opportunities.

Prior to joining the University of Washington I earned bachelors degrees in physics and joint mathematics and computer science from Harvey Mudd College. In my capstone project I helped develop a wireless power transmission array for space-based solar power. I then prototyped distributed systems for web analytics at Quantcast, and later worked on computational imaging in the Biophotonics Laboratory at Caltech.


Technical Reports

Conference Demos


As Instructor


UW = University of Washington
HMC = Harvey Mudd College
CGU = Claremont Graduate University
CMC = Claremont McKenna College